natural sounding tts (41)

Seven Best Video Editing Apps for Android

Ever found yourself shooting a video and thinking, ‘This could be the next viral sensation, if only I could trim out the part where Uncle Bob walks into the frame!’? Welcome to the world of video editing apps for Android where your creative vision meets…

Best Text to Speech Software for Linux in 2024

Whether you’re a tech enthusiast seeking to add voice capabilities to your projects, a content creator aiming to reach a broader audience, or an accessibility advocate championing inclusivity, Linux offers a treasure trove of TTS tools to amplify your impact. In this blog, we embark on an…

Top Scary Voice Text to Speech Tools in 2024

As the digital world expands, the demand for more immersive and emotionally engaging content does, too. Whether you’re a storyteller looking to chill the spines of your audience, a game developer aiming to enhance atmospheric tension, or a prankster wanting to spook your friends, a…

Samsung Text to Speech: Transforming Text into Seamless Spoken Expression

The smartphone revolution has undoubtedly improved our lives, impacting how we communicate and interact with the world around us. Smartphone features like text to speech enable easier access to information and encourage inclusivity, ensuring that everyone can engage with content, regardless of their circumstances. Samsung’s…

An in-depth Guide on How to Use Text to Speech on Discord

Discord is the 'go-to' app for most gamers, streamers, and people that like to talk in big groups. Since its launch, this instant-messaging social media platform has provided its services to millions. People use Discord to enhance their streaming, gaming, and chat experiences. They opt…

8 Essential Features Every Good Text to Speech Software Must Have

Today's text to speech technology is miles away from what you may have heard a few years ago. From sounding robotic and monotonous to natural and human-like, TTS has advanced and become more sophisticated, enabling several new capabilities that many previously considered unimaginable. In addition…

Create a Magical Audiobook Experience with AI Voices

We have come a long way in embracing books in various forms. From the pale yellow undertones of old book pages to vinyl records and cassettes to CDs, and finally, the immersive, hands-free audiobooks, we have seen it all. Audiobooks have, in fact, added a…

Dynamic Capabilities of AI-based Voice Cloning

What was once considered a hallmark of science fiction, voice cloning the near-perfect reproduction of a real person's voice has become a reality in recent years. Thanks to advances in AI, machine learning, deep learning, and text to speech synthesis, it is now possible to…

Top 20 AI Software and Tools to Increase Productivity in 2024

Artificial intelligence isn't new. But, much like the Internet in the early 90s, it's taken the world by storm. The most prominent use cases driving AI in business include automating tasks, improving business operations and decision-making, boosting performance and behavior predictions, and increasing revenue, among…

An Essential Guide to using Text to Speech on Google Docs

Google Docs is perhaps the most indispensable writing tool available to writers today. It is a great collaborative tool that enables multiple individuals to work on the same document in real time from a browser window. It is also constructive because when several people work…