twitch tts

Twitch Text to Speech: Steps to Set up Twitch TTS with Ease 

Live streaming has emerged as a dominant force in digital content creation, with platforms like Twitch leading the charge. Starting in 2011, Twitch was predominantly utilized for video game streaming and diverse forms of entertainment like talk shows, music, and creative content. 

Twitch’s text to speech feature enables users to convert written text into spoken audio, offering versatility in applications like reading chat messages aloud, providing gameplay commentary, or enhancing streams with voiceovers. 

Typically, Twitch TTS is incorporated through extensions, which are additional features that can be installed on a Twitch channel to augment its functionality. This innovative feature allows streamers to interact with their audience in real-time, enhancing viewer engagement and fostering a dynamic community atmosphere. Whether reading out chat messages, providing commentary, or adding humorous flair, text to speech injects a unique element of interactivity into live broadcasts. 

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Benefits of Using TTS on Twitch 

Using Twitch TTS offers several benefits that collectively contribute to a more dynamic, inclusive, and enjoyable streaming experience for all involved. Here are the key benefits of using Twitch TTS: 

Enhanced Viewer Engagement 

Twitch TTS significantly enhances viewer engagement by fostering real-time interaction between streamers and their audience. With text to speech, viewers can actively participate in the conversation by sending messages that are converted into audible speech, creating a dynamic and inclusive streaming experience. This direct engagement strengthens the sense of community within the channel, encouraging viewers to stay longer and participate more actively. 

Entertainment Value for Streamers and Viewers Alike 

The entertainment value of text to speech on Twitch extends to both streamers and viewers. For streamers, TTS adds a layer of entertainment by allowing them to interact with their audience in creative ways, such as incorporating audience feedback into their commentary. Likewise, for viewers, text to speech adds entertainment value by providing an immersive and interactive viewing experience.

Accessibility and Inclusivity 

Twitch TTS plays a crucial role in promoting accessibility and inclusivity within the streaming community. By converting text messages into spoken audio, text to speech accommodates viewers with visual impairments or language barriers, allowing them to engage with the content more fully.

Novelty and Innovation 

Implementing text to speech on Twitch introduces a level of novelty and innovation to live streams, setting them apart from traditional forms of content creation. For instance, streamers can create options for viewers to unlock subscriber rewards that involve reading a message or a text in a particularly humorous voice or tone. 

Setting up Text to Speech on Twitch 

Setting up TTS on Twitch is a straightforward process that can enhance interactivity during your streams. Here is a step-by-step guide to setup text to speech on Twitch: 

Streamlabs Setup 

1. Navigate to Streamlabs and log in to your Twitch account.

2. Locate the Alert Box section on the dashboard (usually found on the left-hand side).

3. Choose the Donations tab from the options available.

4. Once the drop-down menu appears, select the ‘Text to Speech’ option and toggle it to enable it.

Streamelements Setup 

1. Access Streamelements and log in to your account.

2. Click on "My Overlays" to create a new overlay.

3. Select "Create New Overlay" to initiate the process.

4. Add a widget by clicking "Add Widget," then select Alerts followed by AlertBox.

5. Choose the specific alert you wish to set up for TTS.

6. Customize the alert by clicking on the Settings Wheel button.

7. Scroll down to the TTS Settings section and enable TTS for the desired effect.

Tips for Streamers Using Text to Speech on Twitch 

When using TTS on Twitch, streamers can maximize its effectiveness by following a few key dos and avoiding common pitfalls. Here are the key do's and don'ts for streamers using TTS on Twitch: 


1. Customize TTS Settings: Tailor the TTS settings to match the tone and atmosphere of your stream. Experiment with different voice options, speech rates, and volume levels to find what works best for your audience. 

2. Acknowledge Messages: Acknowledge Twitch chat messages read aloud by TTS to demonstrate engagement with your audience. 

3. Moderate Appropriately: Set clear guidelines for chat behavior and moderate TTS messages to maintain a positive and inclusive environment. 

4. Use TTS Sparingly: Use TTS for important announcements, significant messages, or humorous interactions rather than inundating your stream with constant chatter. 


1. Ignore TTS Messages: Avoid ignoring TTS messages or letting them go unacknowledged for extended periods. 

2. Enable TTS for Inappropriate Content: Refrain from allowing TTS for messages containing bad words, offensive language, hate speech, or inappropriate content. Implement strict moderation policies. 

3. Rely Solely on TTS: While TTS can enhance interactivity, it should not replace genuine interaction with your audience. Incorporate TTS as one element of your streaming strategy. 

TTS Applications Beyond Twitch 

Beyond Twitch, TTS technology can convert written text into spoken audio to enhance accessibility, streamline communication, and facilitate interaction across various platforms and industries. 

Accessibility Tools 

TTS plays a pivotal role in accessibility tools for individuals with visual impairments or learning disabilities. Screen readers utilize TTS to convert digital text into speech, enabling users to navigate websites, applications, and documents more effectively. Additionally, TTS enhances accessibility in educational settings by providing auditory feedback for written materials, fostering inclusive learning environments. 

Navigation and Voice Assistants 

Voice-enabled navigation systems and virtual assistants leverage TTS technology to deliver spoken directions, answer queries, and perform tasks based on verbal commands. TTS enhances user experience by providing hands-free interaction and facilitating seamless communication between humans and technology. 

Multimedia and Entertainment 

In multimedia and entertainment, TTS enhances user as well as audience engagement and immersion by bringing written content to life through audio narration. TTS technology enables audiobook production, podcast creation, and voiceover services, offering an alternative format for consuming written content and expanding audience reach. 

Customer Service and Automation 

Businesses utilize TTS technology to automate customer service interactions, streamline communication, and enhance user experience. TTS-powered chatbots and interactive voice response systems provide instant responses to customer inquiries, deliver personalized messages, and optimize workflow efficiency. 

Language Learning and Pronunciation 

TTS technology aids language learning and pronunciation by providing accurate audio representations of written text. Language learners can improve listening comprehension, practice pronunciation, and enhance fluency by utilizing TTS-enabled language learning applications, pronunciation guides, and educational resources.

Murf’s natural-sounding TTS for the win!

While Murf doesn’t support Twitch TTS,  we provide text to speech solutions for better digital accessibility to a wide base of users. Our natural-sounding voices cater to the voiceover needs of people across different industries. Murf provides over 120 realistic AI voices in 20+ languages that support multiple accents and tonalities. Users can create human-like voiceovers without the need to hire voice artists or invest in expensive recording equipment at a fraction of the cost and time it takes to do so.  


How do I add TTS to my Twitch Channel Points?

To add TTS to your Twitch Channel Points, utilize third-party tools like Streamlabs or Streamelements. Access the channel points settings in your dashboard, then integrate TTS features through the respective platform’s alert box settings. 

How do I set up TTS on Streamlabs?

Setting up TTS on Streamlabs is simple. Log in to your Streamlabs account, navigate to the Alert Box section, and select the specific alert you wish to enable TTS for. Toggle the 'Text to Speech' option within the alert settings to activate TTS functionality. Always remember to save settings. 

How do I enable TTS on Twitch donations?

Enabling TTS on Twitch donations requires integration with donation management platforms like Streamlabs or Streamelements. Within the donation settings of these platforms, enable the ‘Text to Speech' feature to have donations read aloud during your stream. You can set the minimum donation amount or adjust the minimum donations as per your choice. 

Can TTS voices be customized on Twitch?

Yes, TTS voices can be customized on Twitch through third-party applications or services. Some platforms offer a selection of voices with varying accents, pitches, and tones. Additionally, users can often adjust settings such as speech rate, profanity filter, and volume to further customize the TTS experience. 

How can streamers set up TTS on their Twitch channels?

Streamers can set up TTS on their Twitch channels by accessing the alert settings of a widget called Streamlabs or Streamelements. Within the alert box settings, locate the Text to Speech option and enable it to have messages read aloud during streams. 

Does TTS have applications beyond Twitch?

Absolutely, TTS has applications beyond Twitch. It’s widely used in accessibility tools, navigation systems, virtual assistants, and multimedia entertainment. You can attach TTS technology with seamless communication, accessibility, and user experience across various platforms and industries. 

Can TTS contribute to the monetization of streams?

Yes, TTS can contribute to the monetization of streams. Streamers can offer TTS as a feature for subscribers, donators or as part of channel point rewards. Additionally, TTS can enhance viewer engagement and encourage donations, indirectly contributing to stream monetization efforts.