voice over google slides (4)

Add Audio to Your Google Slides in Six Simple Steps

Did you know Google released an interesting feature in 2019 where users could enhance their presentation slides using audio? A great addition if you ask us! Let’s say you have a last-minute presentation for your investors. Or maybe you want to pitch a creative idea and…

Add voice over Google Slides with Murf add-on

While nothing can replace your personal style of communication, voice over slide presentations are the closest way to create presentations that are easily shareable and can be played on-demand. If you are using Google Slides for your presentation, or collaborating with others to put your…

Launching Murf Voice Over Google Slides 

Wondering how to add voice overs to Google Slides? Check out Murf’s new Google Slides Voice Add-on Install Google Slide Voice Addon How to add voice over to Google Slides? - Instantly! With a simple add-on, you can now write and edit your voice over…

How to add voice over to Google Slides

Google slides are a great way to collaborate with your colleagues and share your presentations with a larger audience as they do not need to have any specific software to view it. For many of you, if you are using google slides to communicate your…