best text to speech (13)

Elearning voice overs: everything you need to know

Introduction It is safe to say that with the creation of new jobs, and the mainstream arrival of newer skill sets, our world of work has broadened over the last decade. At the same time it is tougher to land the right job, and consequently…

A Beginner's Guide to making voice overs

You have come this far and now you are all set to learn how to make your voice over. Whatever mood you are trying to create – powerful, inspiring, moving, or maybe just informative, AI voice overs can deliver them effectively. To check out ways…

How to add voice over to Google Slides

Google slides are a great way to collaborate with your colleagues and share your presentations with a larger audience as they do not need to have any specific software to view it. For many of you, if you are using google slides to communicate your…