natural sounding tts

Robotic Text to Speech vs. Natural Sounding Text to Speech: All You Need to Know 

Have you ever pondered the secret behind authentic, human-like text to speech voices?

If your answer is in the affirmative, well, this post is for you!

As we advance into a voice-first world, TTS technology is growing more and more sophisticated and enabling various capabilities that were previously considered unimaginable. What's even more intriguing is that quality isn't something that gets sacrificed when it comes to text to speech voices. Instead, it's one of the things you gain, making TTS voices so real that often you can't tell the difference between robotic text to speech and natural-sounding text to speech.

There are several reasons why AI-powered natural TTS voices shines over robotic TTS—something we're going to explore at length in this post. We'll also cover the differences between robotic text to speech and natural-sounding text to speech and how you can create both with ease.

What is a Robotic Voice Generator?

The voice synthesis and voice recognition industry are constantly evolving, with several new technologies disrupting the space. The last few years have seen a rapid rise in robotic text to speech taking over various day-to-day tasks of businesses.

Robotic voice generators are based on artificial intelligence (AI) that not only understands human speech and recognizes emotions but also keeps conversations going by generating custom voices through a speech voice modulation technique that copies the nuances of human speech in real-time without making it sound too robotic. 

However, when communicating with a robot voice generator or voice-based chatbot, the key challenge you encounter is being able to distinguish a robot's voice from a human's. Good AI voice generators play an important role in achieving this level of voice quality. 

Robotic vs. Natural Voices: What's the Difference?

So, what are robotic and natural TTS voices, and how do they differ? Let's find out.

Robotic TTS Voices

Robotic text to speech tools work primarily by synthesizing digital text. Such systems turn digital text into audio or speech output using AI-driven algorithms as input. 

These systems are, therefore, in most cases, not able to produce the same kind of pauses, pitches, pronunciations, and tones as real or AI voices, leading to speech or audio that sounds like a computer-generated voice.

Natural TTS Voices

A natural AI voice generator, on the contrary, is better equipped to convert any digital text into different voices that are more natural-sounding speech and provide a more authentic listening experience.

The key differences between the two are listed below:

Pauses at the right places 

One of the ways natural voices in text to speech differ from robotic ones is in the use of pauses. Unlike AI-based robots, humans naturally pause for actions such as inhaling, exhaling, swallowing, and starting over again. These pauses help create rhythmic, natural-sounding variations in speech.

Robotic voice generators, on the other hand, do not focus on this nuance, leading to mechanical-sounding male or female voices. 


Robotic text to speech software are designed to pronounce every single word the same way, leading to a monotonous-sounding speech.

However, when humans talk, we naturally alter or tweak the way we say words, even the words that are exactly the same. Therefore, with natural text to speech generators, the result is more realistic-sounding voices due to the use of varying tones and the addition of inflections and different emphases.


When humans speak, we naturally emphasize specific words through intonations, something that a robotic TTS voice tool fails to replicate.

However, today's AI-based TTS software is programmed to use intonations and can analyze tons of speech, voices, and other languages at once.

Which is the Better Option: Robotic Voices or Natural Text to Speech Voices?

To decide which is the better tool for your specific needs, let's compare the most important parameters of the two.

Quality of Voice  

The key difference between natural industry-leading TTS voices or generators and robotic voice generators is the quality of the voices produced from the text.

While the former is capable of reading text aloud in a distinctive way that sounds completely natural, robotic-sounding TTS are unable to produce the same effect, making the voice sound robotic or mechanic.

Replication of the Text's Tone, Accent, Pitch, and Volume 

Since natural-sounding audio software can make sense of the context of the text it is reading, it is more capable of replicating the text's intended pitch, pronunciation, tone, volume, accent, etc., rather than just reading text aloud in a plain, emotionless voice.


Apart from producing high-quality voices that sound more natural compared to robotic voices in text to speech software, natural TTS generators also offer a range of other features. These include the ability to adjust the reading speed and volume and synthesize text in multiple languages of human voices, among others.

In terms of real-life use cases, both natural text to speech generators and robotic TTS have a few common uses, such as offering readers with dyslexia and other learning and visual disabilities the option to listen to the text instead of reading it themselves.

However, both the real-time synthesis of written text and the quality of audio files produced as the output in a natural TTS generator are much better than those produced by a robotic TTS tool.

Advantages of Natural Sounding Text to Speech Voices 

Using realistic text to speech technology offers several benefits, enhancing user experience and promoting accessibility and inclusivity. Let's explore these benefits in detail:

Enhanced User Experience

Natural-sounding TTS creates a more engaging and emotionally resonant user experience. By accurately conveying the intended emotions and tone, it can evoke the desired reactions and strengthen the connection between the content and the audience. It adds a human-like touch to the audio, enhancing the user experience.

Natural-sounding text to speech also enhances the clarity and intelligibility of the spoken content, making it easier for users to understand and retain information. Appropriate intonation, pacing, and emphasis help to convey the meaning effectively, ensuring the message is communicated accurately and efficiently.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

Text to speech is also vital in making digital content accessible to individuals with visual impairments. TTS enables visually impaired individuals to consume written information by converting text into speech without relying solely on visual cues. It allows them to access a wide range of content, including books, articles, websites, and more, promoting inclusivity and equal access to information.

That said, the tool also provides a more comfortable and enjoyable listening experience. It eliminates the need to read long blocks of text, particularly for those who find reading tedious or have difficulty reading for various reasons. By simply listening to the content, users can multitask, engage with the information hands-free, and absorb the content more relaxedly.

Using Murf to Create Natural-Sounding Voiceovers 

Murf is a leading voiceover generator that offers a powerful and versatile platform for converting written text into realistic speech. With its advanced AI technology, Murf provides an exceptional TTS experience, enabling businesses and individuals to enhance their applications, products, and services with high-quality voice output.

Murf boasts several key features that set it apart:

  1. Natural and High-Quality AI Voices: One of Murf's standout features is its collection of 120+ natural and high-quality AI voices. These voices are designed to sound human-like, with nuances, intonation, and expressions that resemble natural speech. By utilizing state-of-the-art TTS technology, Murf ensures that the generated speech is clear, engaging, and pleasing to the ear.

  2. Wide Selection of Voices and Accents: Murf offers a wide selection of voices and accents to cater to diverse needs and global audiences. Murf has various options, whether you require a male or female voice, a specific accent, or a particular language. This extensive selection allows for customization and personalization, ensuring that the generated voice aligns perfectly with your requirements. Some languages and accents supported by Murf include Norwegian, Scottish, Portuguese, Spanish, Finnish, British English, Australian English, and Cantonese Chinese.

  3. Ability to Fine Tune Voice Using Customization Options: Murf provides users with custom voice options to fine-tune the generated voice according to their preferences. Users can adjust parameters such as pitch, speed, emphasis, and more, to create the desired voice output. This level of customization ensures that the voice aligns precisely with the intended tone, style, and context of the content.


User experience takes center stage in the contemporary digital landscape. It extends beyond the mere provision of valuable content and involves delivery in a captivating and engaging manner, ensuring maximum user involvement. This is where the power of human-like text to speech comes into play. By incorporating natural and high-quality AI voices into your applications, products, or services, you can create immersive and memorable user experiences that leave a lasting impact.

Imagine your users being greeted by a voice that sounds like a friendly human, effectively conveying emotions and engaging them immediately. With realistic synthetic voices, like those offered by Murf, you can establish a personal connection, evoke emotions, and enhance comprehension. It's a game-changer when delivering information, instructions, or entertainment.

We encourage you to explore Murf as your reliable and innovative TTS solution. With Murf, you can unlock a world of possibilities. From its diverse range of natural and high-quality AI voices to its wide selection of languages and accents, Murf empowers you to tailor the voice output to your needs. The customization options allow you to fine-tune the voice, ensuring it aligns perfectly with your brand, content, and user expectations.

Don't settle for generic and robotic-sounding TTS solutions. Embrace the power of human-like TTS and elevate your user experiences to new heights. Try Murf's free version today and unlock the potential of natural and high-quality AI voices.

Try Murf for Free


1. How to create a robot voice on TikTok?

With TikTok making text to speech a native feature on the app, it has become very simple to create robotic-sounding voiceovers for any video. To achieve this, simply record your video on TikTok, add your text, type in your caption, and finally select the 'text-to-speech' option.

2. How to generate a robotic voice on Audacity?

To generate a robotic read-aloud on the open-source sound editor Audacity, you need to record or open the voice sample you wish to alter, followed by using effects that can completely transform your voice to sound like a robot, male, female, or whatever you wish using Audacity's voice changer.

3. How to create a robotic voice?

The best way to create a robotic voice is by using high-quality audio files recorded by a voice actor and compiled using AI voice technology that helps you create voice sounds customized to the input of the user.