Corporate training programs

How to Create Engaging Employee Training Videos that Click?

Picture this: As a part of your company’s L&D team, you have invested significant time and resources into developing comprehensive training materials for your team. You’ve crafted detailed manuals and even designed a few informative PowerPoint presentations. Yet, despite your best efforts, your sessions are met with yawns, distracted glances, and an overwhelming sense of disengagement.

Sound familiar? You’re not alone. Many businesses struggle to engage employees in training, leading to wasted resources and stagnant skill development. 

And, when you have a dispersed workforce, providing employee training at scale can be quite challenging. Coordinating schedules, ensuring consistent delivery, and maintaining engagement across different locations can seem daunting.

This is where employee training videos come in. These videos help train, educate, and instruct employees. They can contain step-by-step instructions, explanations, and examples that enable new and existing hires to acquire knowledge or develop skills in specific areas.

Employee training videos can cover everything from onboarding to product or service training to soft skills to safety and regulations and more. 

Video-based learning offers an engaging, scalable, and effective solution to traditional training challenges. Instead of relying on dry, text-heavy manuals, businesses can use visually compelling, interactive videos that capture employees’ attention and enhance their understanding and retention of crucial information.

In fact, studies show that 73% of individuals prefer to watch a short video to learn about a product or service over reading a text-based article and employees are 75% more likely to watch a training video than read text. By integrating videos into your training programs, you can ensure that your team stays engaged, informed, and ready to excel.

In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits and importance of employee training videos, share best practices for creating engaging training videos, and how Murf can help you create engaging employee training programs with minimal effort.

Table of Contents

Different Types of Employee Training Videos 

The content or context of the employee training video depends on several factors: what a company aims to achieve, employees’ skills gap, training needs, and the resources available. Here are some of the most common types of employee training videos: 

Instructional Videos

These videos are designed to teach employees specific skills or concepts in a clear and concise manner. They often feature a step-by-step approach, using visuals, voiceover narration, and on-screen text to break down complex topics into easily digestible segments. Their structured format ensures learners can follow along at their own pace, revisiting sections as needed to reinforce understanding. 

Instructional videos are ideal for onboarding new hires, teaching company policies, or explaining technical processes. Some examples include software training and compliance and safety procedures.

Demonstration Videos 

Demonstration videos typically feature a subject matter expert who visually demonstrates each step of performing a task or using a tool. These videos are particularly effective for hands-on training, such as showing how to operate machinery, use software, or follow safety procedures. 

By providing a visual guide, demonstration videos help employees grasp practical skills more quickly and accurately than text-based instructions. They allow viewers to see the correct way to complete tasks, reducing errors and increasing efficiency. Product or service training, sales, marketing training, and QA/QC videos are common examples of demo videos. 

Scenario-Based Videos

These videos use real-life situations to teach employees how to handle specific challenges or make decisions in their roles. They typically present a scenario, followed by possible actions and outcomes. This format helps employees develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills by placing them in realistic contexts. 

Scenario-based videos are useful for training in areas such as customer service, conflict resolution, and compliance, as they allow employees to practice responding to situations they are likely to encounter on the job.

Interactive Videos

Interactive videos engage employees by incorporating elements such as quizzes, clickable hotspots, and decision-making paths, which prompt active participation. These videos transform passive viewing into an interactive learning experience, making the content more engaging.

Interactive videos effectively reinforce knowledge, assess understanding, and provide immediate feedback. They allow employees to apply what they have learned in a simulated environment, enhancing retention and practical application. Examples include interactive compliance training, sales techniques simulations, and virtual onboarding tours.

Why Create Training Videos? 

Training videos result in better information retention, higher engagement, and a more consistent learning experience across your workforce. They provide a dynamic and flexible approach to employee development, catering to various learning styles and needs. Here are some key reasons why creating training videos is essential for your organization:

Enhanced Retention and Understanding

Videos combine visual and auditory elements, making it easier for employees to grasp and remember complex information. Studies show that people retain information better when it is presented in a multimedia format than when it is presented in text alone.

Increased Engagement

Interactive and visually appealing videos capture employees’ attention more effectively than any traditional training course. Engaged employees are more likely to complete training sessions, participate actively, and apply what they’ve learned on the job.

Consistent Delivery of Information

Videos ensure that every employee in the organization receives the same quality of training, regardless of location or time zone. This is particularly important for large or dispersed workforces, as it standardizes the training process and ensures consistency in information delivery.

Flexibility and Convenience

Employees can access training videos at their own pace and convenience, fitting learning into their schedules. This flexibility supports continuous learning and development, as employees can revisit videos whenever they need a refresher. According to a Wainhouse study, 79% of employees believe the flexibility and control that training videos offer improve the quality of their work.


Training videos are a one-time investment that reduces the need for in-person training sessions and associated costs. This makes them a cost-effective alternative for delivering high-quality training over the long term.

Tips to Create an Effective Training Video

Creating a compelling training video involves careful planning, engaging content, and attention to detail. Let’s take a quick look at the steps involved in training video production.

Set your Objectives and Understand your Audience

Determine the purpose of the video and what your employees should take away. Having clear objectives helps guide the content and ensure it meets training needs. Before outlining the video content, do some research to figure out what your audience already knows and what they’re still struggling with. You can do this by interviewing or surveying employee groups that are most likely to watch and use your training videos. 

Choose the Video Format

The next step is to choose the video format. Why is it important? The format you choose affects how well the information is conveyed, how engaged the learners are, and ultimately, how well they retain and apply the knowledge. Based on your objectives, decide if you want to create an instructional, demonstration, scenario-based, or interactive video. Each type has its strengths depending on the training goals. 

Outline and Storyboard

Before you begin creating your training video, it’s essential to plan precisely what and how you want to teach it. Start by deciding the video’s length, the equipment and software you’ll need, and any visuals you want to include. Develop a detailed script that outlines both the dialogue and the visuals. A well-organized script ensures the content flows logically and covers all necessary points.

Next, create a storyboard to map out your video shot by shot. This will help you visualize how the script will translate on screen and ensure the video is engaging and cohesive. Planning the visual elements in advance makes producing a professional and effective training video easier.

Produce your Video

It’s going time! Record your screen or film your video by setting up a screencast or using a camera. Once you have the raw materials, assembling and editing them is the next step. Use visuals, simple animations, and demonstrations to illustrate critical points. Use video editing software to trim unnecessary footage, add transitions, and enhance visual elements. If creating an interactive video, integrate quizzes, clickable links, and decision points to engage viewers and encourage active participation. You can also outsource the entire video production to an agency. 

Publish and Promote

Once your final cut is ready, it’s time to publish and promote the video. Choose a platform to host and distribute the training video. Monitor viewership metrics, engagement levels, and feedback to assess the video’s impact and make any necessary adjustments for future training videos.

Enhance Employee Training Videos with Murf 

When it comes to creating effective training videos, audio plays a crucial role. While visuals and on-screen text provide valuable information, it’s the audio in the form of a voiceover that often ties everything together, enhancing understanding and retention. A well-modulated voiceover can keep viewers engaged, making the training content more interesting and less monotonous. By emphasizing critical information, voiceovers help reinforce important concepts, aiding retention.

This is where Murf AI comes in. Murf’s advanced AI technology offers a wide range of natural-sounding voices that can elevate the quality of your training videos. Let’s see how: 

Enhanced Engagement

Murf’s vast library of over 120 human-like AI voices creates a more immersive and relatable experience for viewers, keeping them engaged throughout the training session. Users can choose voices across different ages, genders, and styles, such as happy, excited, conversational, and motivational, tailoring the voiceover to match the context of the training material. 

With customizable options for pitch, tone, speed, and emphasis, Murf allows trainers to make the narration more compelling and relevant. For example, by adjusting the emphasis on certain words or phrases, critical information in the video can be highlighted, ensuring that important concepts are clearly communicated and easily remembered.

Global Accessibility

Murf’s support for multiple languages and accents including Spanish, German, French, Indian English, British English, and Brazilian Portuguese helps make training videos accessible to a global audience. This inclusivity helps engage employees from diverse backgrounds and ensures that everyone receives the training in a language they are comfortable with, further enhancing engagement and comprehension.

Ease of Use

The platform’s user-friendly interface makes it easy for anyone to create professional-quality voiceovers, even without technical expertise. Trainers can easily revise and improve training content without starting from scratch by simply making quick modifications and updates to the voiceover. 


By eliminating the need for professional voice actors and recording studios, Murf offers a cost-effective alternative to producing high-quality voiceovers, making creating extensive and frequent training materials feasible.

In conclusion, creating employee training videos doesnt have to be a nightmare anymore. AI tools like Murf can help you realize all of your training video needs and save you time and money in the process. After all, when done well, training videos can help businesses of any size scale their employee development programs, increase engagement, and boost retention.

Want to learn more about how Murf can supercharge your employee training initiatives?

Visit our website for more details, or book a demo today


How long should an employee training video be?

An ideal length for any training video is six minutes. However, if you’re covering a simple concept or task, a short video ranging from 3 to 5 minutes may be sufficient. For more complex topics, such as technical procedures or regulatory compliance, longer videos of 10 to 15 minutes might be necessary to provide adequate detail.

What formats can training videos be delivered in?

Some common training video formats include storytelling, screencast explainer tutorial videos, live-action demonstrations, animations, and interactive videos. 

How can I make my employee training videos engaging?

To make your employee training videos engaging, incorporate interactive elements like quizzes and simulations, use storytelling techniques, vary the content format, keep it concise, and effectively use visuals and animations.

Why are employee training videos important?

Employee training videos help educate and train employees on various topics, such as company policies, procedures, software usage, and safety protocols. They enhance learning retention, increase engagement, ensure consistent training across dispersed teams, offer flexibility for self-paced learning, and are cost-effective for organizations compared to traditional training methods.

How can Murf’s voiceover help in creating engaging employee training videos?

Murf enhances employee training videos by offering a wide range of natural-sounding voices, creating an immersive experience. With customizable options for tone, speed, and emphasis, Murf keeps viewers engaged, making training content more interesting and aiding retention. Additionally, its support for multiple languages and accents ensures inclusivity and accessibility, further enhancing engagement and comprehension.