ai language translation

A Complete Guide to Shopify Localization

Reaching customers across borders is a necessity for e-commerce success in today’s global marketplace. For Shopify store owners, this means that localization isn’t just an option it’s a strategic imperative. 

By localizing their online stores, merchants can effectively tap into new markets and provide a shopping experience that feels native to customers around the world. 

But what exactly is Shopify localization, and why does it matter?

Shopify localization is the process of adapting a Shopify store to meet the linguistic, cultural, and regulatory needs of different target markets. It involves more than just translating text; it includes modifying various aspects of the online storefront to make it relevant and appealing to customers in different regions.

This not only helps in breaking down language barriers but also builds trust and credibility by respecting cultural nuances and meeting local expectations.

Localizing a Shopify store can drive higher engagement, increase conversion rates, and significantly boost revenue by making the store accessible and appealing to a diverse global audience.

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Benefits of Localizing your Shopify Online Store

The benefits of localizing your Shopify storefront are manifold, transcending linguistic barriers and unlocking new avenues for growth and success:

Increases International Conversion Rates

One of the most compelling reasons to localize your Shopify store is the significant boost it can provide to your international conversion rates. By speaking your customers’ language and resonating with their cultural nuances, you create a sense of familiarity and trust that encourages them to complete their purchases. 

Studies indicate that 75% of individuals favor shopping in their mother tongue, with 60% indicating they never purchase from websites available solely in English. According to Shopify’s data, there’s a notable 13% relative boost in conversion rates when customers are presented with a store translated into their preferred language compared to those only available in the default language.

Improves Customer Experience

Localization goes hand in hand with delivering an exceptional customer experience. When customers can browse your store, checkout, and receive notifications in their native language, it eliminates confusion and enhances overall satisfaction. From product descriptions to payment options, every aspect of the shopping journey becomes more intuitive and user-friendly.

Decreases your Costs

Contrary to popular belief, localizing your Shopify store doesn’t have to break the bank. With Shopify’s built-in localization tools and third-party apps, you can streamline the translation process and minimize associated costs. Additionally, by targeting specific markets more effectively, you can allocate your resources more efficiently, ultimately reducing your overall expenses.

Competitive Advantage

In today’s hyper-competitive e-commerce landscape, standing out from the crowd is essential. By localizing your Shopify store, you differentiate yourself from competitors who may overlook the importance of catering to diverse audiences. Offering a seamless, localized experience sets you apart as a forward-thinking and customer-centric brand, giving you a distinct edge in the market.

Increase Sales and Revenue

Perhaps the most compelling benefit of Shopify localization is its potential to drive significant increases in sales and revenue. Studies consistently show that customers are more likely to make purchases when they can interact with a website in their native language. By tapping into new markets and engaging with customers on their terms, you expand your customer base and unlock new revenue streams.

Reduce Cart Abandonment

Cart abandonment is a common challenge for e-commerce merchants, but localization can help mitigate this issue. By providing a familiar and frictionless shopping experience, you reduce the likelihood of customers abandoning their carts due to language or cultural barriers. The more comfortable and confident customers feel during the checkout process, the less likely they are to abandon their purchase.

A Step by Step Guide to Localizing Your eCommerce Store on Shopify

Localizing your Shopify storefront is a strategic process that involves tailoring your online presence to resonate with diverse audiences across the globe. Shopify localization empowers you to speak your customers language, both figuratively and literally. Here’s a step by step guide to help you navigate the process seamlessly:

Step 1: Export your CSV file

Begin by logging into your Shopify admin panel and navigating to Settings. From there, select Languages and click on Export. Choose the specific languages you wish to export translations for, or select all languages if needed. You’ll receive an email containing a CSV file with details of your current translations, including resource type, identification, field, locale, market, status, default content, and space for translated content.

Step 2: Add your Translations

Open the CSV file and add your language translations directly into the “Translated content” column. Ensure accuracy and cultural sensitivity in your translations, as these directly impact customer engagement and comprehension. Remember, you are responsible for providing the translations yourself or with the help of a professional translator or an AI translator.

Step 3: Import your CSV file

Once you’ve completed the translations, return to your Shopify admin panel and navigate back to Settings > Languages. Click on Import and upload your modified CSV file. Depending on your needs, you can overwrite existing translations or import only new translations. Review the import summary and proceed with the import process.

Step 4: Customize Checkout and Email Notifications

Ensure a seamless customer experience by customizing checkout and email notifications to reflect the chosen language. Shopify automatically displays translated content in the checkout and email notifications based on the language preferences of your customers. You can further customize these translations using compatible third-party translation apps or by importing your translations using CSV files.

Step 5: Preview and Verify Translations

Before finalizing your translations, take advantage of Shopify’s preview feature to review and verify translated content. Preview email notifications and other customer-facing elements to ensure accuracy and clarity. Make any necessary adjustments to guarantee a polished and professional presentation across all touchpoints.

Step 6: Monitor Translation Status

Stay informed about the status of your translations to ensure timely updates and maintenance. Track translated, outdated, and untranslated content to maintain consistency and relevance across your Shopify store.


Shopify offers a robust suite of tools and functionalities designed to help merchants tap into global markets and connect with customers on a deeper level. From Shopify Markets simplifying cross-border management to Shopify localization and translation, enabling multilingual capabilities, the platform equips businesses with the means to thrive in diverse landscapes.

By customizing content, optimizing pricing and payments, and localizing shipping and taxes, merchants can create tailored experiences that resonate with customers worldwide. The ability to speak the language of your audience, both figuratively and literally, fosters trust, improves satisfaction, and drives conversions.

As businesses continue to expand into overseas markets, embracing localization is no longer a luxury but a necessity for success. Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, the benefits of Shopify localization extend far beyond language translation, encompassing increased sales, improved customer experience, reduced costs, and a competitive advantage in the global marketplace. 

Embrace localization, and watch your Shopify store thrive in the international marketplace.


What is Shopify localization, and why is it important for e-commerce?

Shopify localization refers to the process of customizing an online store to cater to the language, culture, and preferences of specific target markets. It involves translating plain text, adapting currencies, and localizing shipping and tax options at the point of sale to create a seamless experience for international customers. Shopify localization is crucial for e-commerce because it breaks down barriers to entry into global markets, enhances customer engagement, fosters trust, and ultimately drives sales.  

Why is a multilingual storefront crucial for global Shopify businesses?

A multilingual storefront is crucial for global Shopify businesses because it allows them to effectively communicate with customers in their native languages. By speaking the language of their target audience, businesses enhance customer experience, build trust, and remove linguistic barriers to purchasing. It also helps businesses expand into new markets, increase brand visibility, and ultimately drive sales by providing a more accessible and engaging shopping experience for customers worldwide. 

How does Shopify localization enhance SEO for online stores?

Shopify localization enhances SEO for online stores by optimizing content for different languages from the default language. When a store is localized from the default language, it can target specific keywords and phrases in multiple languages, improving its visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) across various regions. Localized URLs, meta tags, and content help search engines understand the relevance of the store to users in different locales, ultimately boosting its ranking potential. 

Can Shopify localization help customize product listings for different regions?

Yes, Shopify localization can indeed help customize product listings for different regions. With Shopify’s localization features, an e-commerce store can tailor product descriptions, pricing, and availability based on the preferences and requirements of specific regions or target markets. This customization extends to language translations from the default language, currency conversions, and even product availability based on local regulations or consumer preferences. 

What role does cultural adaptation play in Shopify localization?

Cultural adaptation is integral to Shopify localization as it ensures that online stores resonate with the cultural preferences, norms, and values of target audiences in different regions. By adapting content, imagery, and messaging to align with local customs and sensitivities, Shopify merchants can foster deeper connections with customers and enhance brand credibility. Cultural adaptation also helps mitigate misunderstandings or cultural faux pas that could alienate potential buyers. Shopify localization enables businesses to create more meaningful and authentic experiences for customers worldwide.

Can Shopify localization integrate various payment methods for global customers?

Yes, Shopify localization can integrate various payment methods for global customers. Through its flexible payment gateway options, Shopify allows merchants to accept payments in multiple currencies and through a variety of payment providers that are popular in different regions from potential customers. By integrating local payment methods, such as credit cards, digital wallets, and alternative payment solutions, Shopify enables an online store to offer a seamless checkout experience tailored to the preferences of customers worldwide.  

What are the benefits of using Murf for Shopify localization?

Murf offers several benefits for Shopify localization. Firstly, Murf provides seamless integration with Shopify with API, making it easy for merchants to translate and localize their stores. Secondly, Murf offers high-quality AI translations, ensuring accuracy and cultural sensitivity. Murf also provides support for multiple languages and dialects, allowing merchants to reach a diverse global audience effectively.